Videos דף הבית » Videos Videos gallery גלריית תמונות Construction of a private house in Hadar Am Construction of a private house in Moshav Nahalal Homes that thrive over the years Austek Shamir is building in the village of Ben Nun A country house in Beit Halevi Drill piles in Regba Construction process in Kfar Saba Construction of a pergola in Moshav Kidron Plaster work in the Ben Nun construction project Construction in Beit Halevi - clay brick flooring made by Vandersanden Beit Halevi construction project Kidron Additional construction for an existing house Michmoret Construction in Kibbutz Lehavot Haviva Construction of clay bricks Austek Shamir is building in Nahalal Austek Shamir is building in Moshav Ametz Austek Shamir is building a Josiah garden Austek Shamir is building in Givat Haim Austek Shamir is building with the Vandersanden bricks in Kibbutz Negba Austek Shamir is building in Ben Nun Kfar Ben Benon Training of employees at height 1 - Austek Shamir September 2017 Training of employees at height 2 - Austek Shamir September 2017 Collaboration with Orbond A tour of the Alum Zohar factory in Acre Hofit Accommodation in the village of Truman The construction experience of Dr. Roni Chen and Danny Feder from Moshav Beit Nehemia Ramat Hachayal Behind the scenes - Kfar Hess The house in Shavei Zion Nir Galim The house in Ganei Tikva Betzet Construction of a house in Kibbutz Negba House in Nes Harim Moshav Gaia Construction project in Hadar Am Dror Shamir in the program every morning Kadima Interview with the Klein family Inauguration of a house in Beit Yitzhak Architect Liat Beer The process of building the Agmon family home - Beit Hanan A huge project in Moshava Migdal Austek Shamir's construction team at the site in Kfar Hess Kfar Saba The Agmon family A brick house in Moshav Gan Yoshiya Liat Beer and Galit Debbie in Hadar Am Building a house in Moshav Hadar Am